Trellix Logo Animation

Trellix needed a logo animation service and we were happy to help. They wanted a logo animation to enhance their brand presence.

Trellix explained that their technology addresses a significant issue in the AI industry: the "black box" problem. Their software platform offers "Explainable AI" solutions to various markets, capturing human problem-solving in data-rich advisor apps.

Their platform runs alongside conventional machine learning-based AI, validating, augmenting, or even replacing it in areas where ethical, regulatory, or safety-critical issues arise. The company name 'Trellix' and the 'lattice' logo represent the organic growth and interconnectedness of their methodology.

Given the unique nature of their technology, Trellix wanted a logo animation that would grow, emerge, or evolve, rather than simply spin or rotate.

We provided Trellix three animated logo options, all of which included logo transparency, background music, and sound effects to enhance the final logo animation.

Industry: Software / Artificial Intelligence


Here are some frames from the logo animation video.