So you’ve realised the benefits of animated videos and you’ve decided that you want to create one. But do you choose to go with a reputable animation company, or a highly skilled freelance motion designer / animator? There are pros and cons to working with both and in this article, you will learn what’s best for you and your animated video project.
If you’re looking to explain your product or service in two minutes or less, animated explainer videos are the way to go. Explainer videos are great because they take complex information and compress them down into an easy to understand format that still gets your message across.
But before you start making your explainer video you need a script. Without the solid foundation of a great script your explainer video will fail in getting your message across to your audience.
Did you know that our most dominant sense is vision? Did you also know that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text? This means that you can communicate a message to your audience much faster by simply showing them an image. Just imagine what a video can do. Here are 3 scientific reasons your business needs a video.